- the ultimate desktop calculator
Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple to use but provides power and versatility normally reserved for complicated math packages, as well as useful tools for everyday needs (such as currency conversion and percent calculation). Features include a large library of customizable functions, unit calculations and conversion, physical constants, symbolic calculations (including integrals and equations), arbitrary precision, uncertainty propagation, interval arithmetic, plotting, and a user-friendly interface (GTK, Qt, and CLI).
Qalculate! is free software, licensed under the GNU Public License v2 (or later).

This project welcomes new developers. Visit the project page here.


Latest News

.: 2021-07-29 :. Qalculate! version 3.20.1 released

List of changes: Get the new version from the downloads page.

.: 2021-07-28 :. Qalculate! version 3.20 released

This version includes a new interface using the Qt GUI toolkit. It is nearly feature complete (notably editing of units and data sets are not currently possible) but is likely not yet completely stable and reliable. At this moment the new user interface is only included in the official binary packages for Windows where the improved speed and compatibility should be particularly welcome.

List of changes:

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